‘Vienna Walls’ @ the 25th International ‘Berg und Abenteuer Filmfestival’, Graz

We are proud to announce that ‘Vienna Walls’, the Urban Bouldering (urban climbing) film has been selected for the Berg und Abenteuer film festival in Graz, Austria (www.mountainfilm.com), showing Wednesday 13.11.13 at 20:00 (Dom im Berg).

Build a Bridge Music composed the score, developing a concept for the rhythmical soundtrack relying heavily upon oriental percussion from Burag Tuzkaya. The challenging brief from the director, Philipp Stromer, was to provide music for the film which didn’t have any melodic structure, to be just rhythmic, a concept that tested our creativity but yielded positive results. We settled upon a blend of digital rhythm sound design and programming mixed with layered recordings of Burag’s percussion: frame drums, ceramic finger drums, shakers, etc. The outro ‘making of” scenes and credits allowed us a little more flexibility, and here we introduced melodies and further instrumentation.

For more details about the film festival, please follow this link:

