Kurt was born in Vienna in 1974 and is the studio recording engineer/all round technical manager for Build a Bridge Music. He has worked professionally as a sound engineer since 1996 and received his training at the SAE (Vienna).
He was resident engineer at TIC Music, Studio Ambros, Achau (AT) from 1996 – 2000, and then followed this working for Christian Kolonovits from 2000 – 2007, then going independent as a freelance producer/engineer.
His recording credits include:
Joe Traxler
Amarcord Wien
Tiger Lillies
Wolfgang Ambros
Ludwig Hirsch
The Scorpions
Linzer Klangwolke
Mamadou Diabate
Sigi Finkel
Henri Joel
Norbert Schneider
Evelyn Ruzicka
Since 2007 Kurt is the Audio Solution Expert at Tools At Work, the Apple Mac store in Vienna for professionals. He is also a lecturer in music technology, having given courses at Krems University and SET Vienna. He is also a drummer and over the years has played and recorded with a number of bands.